Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Another word with multiple meanings, but I'll skip the obvious one and jump to the more interesting one :)

Pronunciation: vet (listen to it on

Verb: to verify the accuracy, authenticity, validity of something. Brit: to investigate someone thoroughly to make sure they are suitable for a job requiring trustworthiness and loyalty.

Etymology: 19th century

Usage: The doc fully vetted the new royal dog and declared him free of bugs, both literally and figuratively.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Pitch. I love a word with so many different meanings but the one I love the most because it appeals to my gothic youth: black as tar. (For a fuller definition, see pitch defined on

Pronunciation: pich (listen to it on

Noun: a sticky resinous substance of a dark black or brown color obtained from the boiling or distillation of tar.

Etymology: 8th century, from the Old English pic, Latin pix

Usage: proverbially: black or dark as pitch (e.g pitch black)